April 29, 2024

Speed squares, which were invented by Albert Swanson in 1925, have brought unprecedented comfort and ease to the woodworking and carpentry industries. Speed squares, also known as rafters or triangle squares and multi-purpose right triangle-shaped tools, can be used for marking, measuring, etc. They are used as rulers, protractors, miter squares and scribing instruments, try squares, and saw guide.

They have a hollow triangle center with a right angle marked ” Pivot” as well as a hypotenuse edge labeled ” Degrees“. A secondary hollowed strip is also included beneath the center, with markings ” Common” as well as ” H/Val“. Speed squares are very handy and affordable. They also make it easy to use. Continue reading to learn valuable tips about using a speedsquare if you’re new to carpentry timessquareadcoalition

Speed Square Terminology

Speed squares are a key term that you need to know in order to follow carpentry instructions. The three main terms you need to be familiar with are: 1) the lip, 2) the pivot, and (3) the hypotenuse. The “fence” is also known as the lip. It usually has at least one ruler, and runs along one side of the three 90-degree angles. The pivot is located at the end of your lip. The pivot is located at the end of the lip. It’s the point that allows you to mark angles and find them. The hypotenuse, which is the longest side in the square, is last. It will be marked with a ruler that measures degrees from 0 to 9.

Measuring Angles

When building or carpentry, it is important to find the right angles. It is very easy to find angles when using a rafter. Place the lip on the long side of your piece and ensure that the right angle arm is facing you. You can then refer to the hypotenuse side to determine the angle you desire. While you hold the pivot point, lift the lip off the board. Always mark angles along the edge perpendicular the lip.

Saw Guides

A speed square can be used as a saw-guiding tool. You can use your metal speedsquare instead of marking and measuring the wood with a pencil. You can save both time and energy by eliminating the need to mark with a pencil. You can simply place the pencil directly on the wood and hold it there. Then, cut away!